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Battery Voltage
By Avaliable Sensor
1532: Stevens Creek ab HWY 85
5061: Uvas Creek at Uvas Rd.- Partial Inflow
5035: Stevens Creek above Hwy 85 near Central Ave
5033: Hale Creek below Magdalena Court
5032: Permanente Creek at Berry Ave- High Flow Only
5031: Calabazas Creek at Rainbow Drive-High Flow Only
5026: Calabazas Creek at Wilcox School-High Flow Only
5025: Saratoga Creek at Pruneridge - High Flow Only
5024: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
5023: Guadalupe River above Almaden Expressway
5022: Canoas Creek at Dow Drive
5021: Ross Creek at Blossom Hill
5019: Los Gatos Creek below Hwy 9
5018: Golf Creek at McAbee Rd
5017: Guadalupe Creek below Guadalupe Reservoir
5039: Stevens Creek below Hwy 280(Flow Rating in Process)
5043: Guadalupe Creek off Hicks Rd.
5060: Uvas Ck at Miller Ave (100 cfs and below)
5059: Los Gatos Creek at Lark Ave
5058: Coyote Creek at Edenvale
5057: Packwood Creek at Jackson Ranch
5056: Las Animas Ck. above Anderson Res.
5053: Upper Page Ditch at Head
5052: Uvas Creek at Heritage Way (Spillway, tributary, and/or outlet flows)
5051: Ross Creek at Cherry Ave
5050: Los Gatos Creek at Lincoln Ave.
5048: Alamitos Creek above Almaden Reservoir-Partial Inflow
5047: Kirk Ditch at Head
5045: Stevens Ck. above Stevens Creek Reservoir (Subject to Swimmers Dams)
5044: Stevens Creek below Stevens Creek Reservoir
5016: Alamitos Creek below Almaden Reservoir
5015: Almaden-Calero Canal at Almaden Reservoir
5013: Calero Creek below Calero Reservoir
95082: Coyote Ck at Madrone Non-USGS
100052: Alamitos Pond Diversion Lvl
5156: W. Branch Llagas at Cohansey Ave
2096: Available
5158: Artesian Slough
100055: Alamitos Pond Diversion SfcLvl
100056: Alamitos Pond Diversion Surcharge
2086: Llagas Creek at Southside Dr- Stage Only
5159: Alviso Slough
5169: Coyote Creek Above Metcalf Rd
5170: Upper Page Ditch at Head (Batt V)
2078: Available
2076: Coyote Inflow-USGS-Out
51362: Berryessa Creek at Old Piedmont Rd
51361: Berryessa Creek at Cropley Ave - High Flow Only - Radar
50831: Upper Penitencia at Dorel Radar
5012: Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir(USGS)
5010: Fisher Creek at Monterey Rd.
5009: Coyote Ck below Anderson Reservoir
5007: (Damaged) Coyote Creek at Coyote Ranch Road (Low Flow Only, 220 cfs Max)
5001: Upper Penitencia Ck. at Piedmont Ave.
5147: Calero Ck above Calero Reservoir(Flow Rating in process)
5148: Guadalupe Ck. above Guadalupe Res.
50011: Upper Penitencia Ck. Abv Piedmont Ave. (replaced 5001)
5149: Sunnyvale East at Baylands Park - Stage Only
50242: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
5150: Almendra Creek above Almendra Ave. - Stage Only
5154: West Llagas at Hwy 101
5155: Pond A4
5171: Penitencia Ck Blw Educational Park Dr
5062: Los Gatos Ck. above Lexington Res.-Partial Inflow-(Out for repair. Use Ryland dam)
5144: North Fork Pacheco Creek below Pacheco Reservoir
5123: Coyote Ck. Above Ogier
5122: San Tomas at Mission Ave. - High Flow Only
5146: McKelvey Pump Station
5120: Permanente Creek at Rancho San Antonio - High Flow Only
5119: Los Gatos Creek below Kirk Dam-Low Flow Only
5118: East Little Llagas at Church Ave-High Flow Only
5117: West Little Llagas Creek at Edmundson Ave.-High Flow Only
5116: Kirk Dam (Stage Only)
5114: Masson Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only
5113: Arroyo Hondo near San Jose
5112: San Francisquito Creek at Stanford Univ.-USGS
5111: Guadalupe River at Gold Street-Stage Only
5109: Guadalupe River at Highway 101 - USGS
5124: Coyote Ck. Below Ogier
5125: Adobe Creek at Foothill College
5126: San Tomas at Scott Blvd
5143: North Fork Pacheco Creek above Pacheco Reservoir
5142: Uvas at Hwy 152(Flow rating in process)
5141: Llagas Creek below Lake Silveira
5140: Lake Silveira
5139: Llagas Creek below Santa Teresa Blvd
5138: Guadalupe River at Alma Ave
5137: Pond A8
5136: Abandoned: Use Sensor ID 51362
5135: Adobe Creek below El Camino Real-High Flow Only
5145: Pacheco Creek near Bell Station
5133: Test Station
5132: Coyote Creek at Hwy 85
5127: Coyote Ck. at Berryessa-Stage Only
5108: Guadalupe River at Montague Expressway- Stage Only
5103: El Camino Stormdrain Cell
5101: Matadero Creek above Lambert Ave - High Flow Only
5078: Bodfish Creek at Whitehurst Rd
5077: Coyote Ck above Coyote Reservoir - USGS
5075: Thompson Creek at Quimby Rd.-High Flow Only
5074: Sunnyvale East ab HWY 101 (High Flow Only)
5073: Canoas Creek at Almaden Expressway-Stage Only
5072: Mabury Diversion- Low Flow Only (Vandalized)
5070: Alamitos Ck at Graystone Lane
5069: Llagas Creek below Chesbro Reservoir
5068: Los Gatos Creek above Ryland Dam
5067: Los Gatos Creek below Lexington Reservoir (Low Flow only)
5066: Little Uvas Creek at Little Uvas Rd.
5065: Little Arthur Creek at Redwood Retreat Rd
5064: Berryessa Creek at Calaveras Blvd-High Flow Only
5080: Llagas Creek above Chesbro Reservoir
5081: Pacheco Creek near Dunneville
5082: Coyote Ck at Madrone (USGS)
5100: Lower Penitencia Creek at Machado Ave - High Flow Only
5098: Coyote Creek at E. Williams
5097: Coyote Creek at Hwy 237 - USGS
5096: Saratoga Creek at Saratoga - USGS
5092: Upper Silver Creek at Yerba Buena- High Flow Only
5090: Coyote Ck Perc. Pond-Stage Only
5089: Coyote Ck below Coyote Perc. Pond-Low Flow Only
5088: Guadalupe River at Alamitos Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only
5087: Upper Penitencia Creek below Mabury (Vandalized)
5086: Uvas Ck above W. Luchessa Ave -High flow only (100 cfs and above)
5085: Llagas Creek at Southside Dr. - USGS
5084: Uvas Creek below Uvas Reservoir (Gage may be affected by spillway flows, backwater)
5083: Abandoned: Use Sensor ID 50831
5063: Lower Silver Creek at San Antonio Rd.-High Flow Only
1540: Calabazas Creek at Rainbow Drive- High Flow Only
7040: Palo Alto Flood Basin-Stage Only
150100: Coyote Creek above Coyote Reservoir(USGS)
1498: Coyote Creek at Madrone
1497: Available
150120: Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir(USGS)
1495: Available
1494: Los Gatos Creek at Lincoln Ave
1492: Los Gatos Creek at Lark Ave
1491: Upper Silver Creek at Yerba Buena- High Flow Only
1501: Available
1502: Lower Silver Creek at Ocala Ave- (Gage removed)
1506: Guadalupe River at Montague Expressway- Stage Only
1538: U. Penitencia at Dorel- Radar-High Flow Only
1537: Matadero at Waverly
1534: Guadalupe at Trimble
1533: Guadalupe River at Hwy 101- Stage-ALERT Out of service
1531: Guadalupe River at Gold St- Stage Only
9002: TEST- old Almendra Drain
1525: Uvas at Luchessa (Flows over 50 cfs)-out-5086
1523: West Permanente Creek below Deer Farm- High Flow Only
1504: Guadalupe at Tasman (Gage Removed)
1490: Los Gatos Creek below Lexington Reservoir
1489: Upper Penitencia Creek at Piedmont Rd
7050: Ostwald
1467: WL Llagas Ck at Edmundson Ave- stream
1464: Stevens Creek Reservoir
1463: Thompson Creek at Quimby Rd.- High Flow Only
512200: San Tomas Dummy
1460: Adobe Creek at Middlefield- High Flow Only-Out of Service
1459: Permanente Creek at Rancho San Antonio - High Flow Only
1456: Hale Creek below Magdalena Court
1451: Mabury Diversion- Low Flow Only
1450: Upper Penitencia Creek below Mabury- Low Flow Only
1468: Vasona Reservoir
1469: Available
1472: Uvas Reservoir
1487: Alm-Cal Canal at Bertram (Alarm Only)
1486: Haskins Soil Moisture Probe
1485: Canoas Creek at Almaden Exp.- Stage Only
1484: Lower Silver Creek at San Antonio Rd
7051: Cavanee
1480: Anderson Reservoir
1479: Alm-Cal Canal at Flume(Alarm Only)
1477: Calabazas Creek at Wilcox School - High Flow Only
7052: Beardsley
1445: Guadalupe River at Alamitos Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only
1541: Almaden-Calero Canal at Calero Reservoir
2001: Alamitos Evap Station
5121: W Permanente Ck below Deer - High Flow Only
2062: Coyote Creek at Edenvale
2060: Coyote Creek at Hwy 237- Stage Only
5199: Calero Creek above Calero Reservoir
2004: Alamitos Pan Fill
2056: Coyote Creek at E. William- High Flow Only
1877: Unknown
1878: San Francisquito Ck. nr. Stanford - Stage Only
2054: Los Gatos Creek below Kirk Dam- Low Flow Only
5014: Almaden-Calero Canal at Calero Reservoir
2050: San Tomas Creek above Williams Rd
2005: Alamitos Pan Removal
2003: Alamitos Evap Daily
2002: Alamitos Evap Hourly
2058: Ross Creek at Cherry Ave
1542: Guadalupe Creek below Guadalupe Reservoir
1549: Permanente Creek at Berry Ave- High Flow Only
1550: Masson Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only
1548: Upper Penitencia Creek at Dorel Dr- Low Flow Only
1547: El Camino Stormdrain- Stage Only
1546: Calero Creek below Calero Reservoir
1544: Alamitos Creek below Almaden Reservoir
6023: Curtner Ranch
20009: Poverty Raingauge (CDEC)
6004: Almaden
20003: Las Cumbres Raingauge (CDEC)
6001: Alamitos
6131: City of San Jose
6034: Haskins Ranch
6021: Coyote Reservoir
20008: Diablo Canyon Raingauge (CDEC)
6015: Castro Valley
6017: Coe Park
6018: Coit Ranch
1527: Vasona Pump Station (6125)
20004: Schuliies Road Raingauge (CDEC)
20006: Ormsby Road Raingauge (CDEC)
6008: Biel Ranch
20007: Mt Hamilton Raingauge (CDEC)
20002: La Honda Raingauge (CDEC)
20005: Burrell Station (CDEC)
20001: Pulgas Raingauge (CDEC)
9999: Dummy sensor for testing
6016: Guadalupe Slough
6036: Johnson Ranch
6141: Palm Ave
6140: Rancho San Antonio
6139: West Little Llagas
6138: Banjo Point
6135: Uvas Canyon County Park
6134: Church Ave Percolation Ponds
6132: Evergreen
6102: United Technologies Corp.
6129: Palo Alto
6104: Uvas Reservoir
6128: Calero Watershed
6127: Cow Ridge
6125: Vasona Pump Station
6123: Guadalupe Watershed
6121: Mountain View
6142: Trappers Trail
6143: Edmundson Ave
6041: Anderson Reservoir
6044: Loma Prieta
6048: Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant
6067: Mount Hamilton
6069: Mount Umunhum
6077: Valley Christian
6079: Rinconada Water Treatment Plant
6098: Shanti Ashrama
6099: Penitencia Water Treatment Plant
6999: Precip Test GOES
6100: Stevens Creek Reservoir
6151: Pacheco Reservoir
6147: Westwind Barn (6147)
6145: Canada De Los Osos
6144: Maryknoll Fields
6108: West Yard
1471: Westwind Community Barn (6147)
1517: Biel Ranch (6008)
1518: Shanti Ashrama (6098)
1519: Coit Ranch (6018)
1521: Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (6048)
1522: Available
1524: Rinconada Water Treatment Plant (6079)
1526: Guadalupe (6123)
1528: West Little Llagas (6139)
1529: Church Ave Percolation Ponds (6134)
1530: Uvas Canyon County Park (6135)
1868: San Bruno Mt (San Mateo)
1876: Huddart Park (SMC) 6150
1514: Curtner Ranch (6023)
1516: Evergreen (6132)
1515: Mountain View (6121)
1465: Canada De Los Osos (6145)
1457: Trappers Trail (6142)
1454: Maryknoll Fields (6144)
1453: City of San Jose (6131)
1461: Edmundson Ave (6143)
1500: Rancho San Antonio Park (6140)
1503: Morgan Hill RF 136
1508: Castro Valley (6015)
1509: Valley Christian (6077)
1510: Stevens Creek (6100)
1511: West Yard (6108)
1512: Mount Hamilton (6067)
1513: Calero Watershed (6128)
1880: Los Trancos Park (SMC) 6146
2066: Johnson Ranch (6036)
2068: Banjo Point (6138)
2069: Haskins Ranch (6034)
2099: Palo Alto (6129)
2070: Penitencia Water Treatment Plant (6099)
2071: Cow Ridge (6127)
2072: Loma Prieta (6044)
2073: Anderson Reservoir (6041)
2081: Mount Umunhum (6069)
2075: Coyote Reservoir (6021)
2079: Coe Park (6017)
2067: United Technologies Corp. (6102)
2080: Almaden (6004)
1551: Palm Ave (6141)
1884: Saratoga Gap
1889: Windy Hill Park (JPA) 6148
2065: Alamitos (6001)
1882: Towneridge
1890: Wunderlich Park (JPA) 6149
2053: Guadalupe Slough (6016)
2057: Uvas Reservoir (6104)
1885: San Mateo
21002: La Honda (CNRFC)
200000: Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden MBP
200001: Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden QPF
21004: Schulties Road (CNRFC)
21001: Pulgas (CNRFC)
21023: Lower Crystal Springs (CNRFC)
21024: Redwood City (CNRFC)
21025: Test Buoy Pcp
21005: Burrell Station (CNRFC)
21015: Hollister Muni Airport (CNRFC)
21022: Half Moon Bay (CNRFC)
21021: Crystal Springs (CNRFC)
21006: Ormsby Road (CNRFC)
21014: Watsonville (CNRFC)
21013: Freedom (CNRFC)
21012: Corralitos CDF (CNRFC)
21011: Corralitos (CNRFC)
21017: Mines Road (CNRFC)
21010: Eureka Canyon (CNRFC)
21018: Rose Peak (CNRFC)
21016: Los Banos (CNRFC)
21019: Auto Mall Pkwy at I-880 (CNRFC)
21020: Mission Peak (CNRFC)
21009: Poverty Ridge (CNRFC)
21008: Diablo Grande (CNRFC)
1452: Penitencia Creek Water Temperature-
8021: Packwood Temp
8022: Anderson Blw Temp
8023: Uvas at Hwy 152 Temp
8024: Coyote Creek Above Metcalf Rd Temp
8025: Alamitos Ck below Almaden Reservoir Temp
8011: Guadalupe Creek below Guad
8020: Stevens Ck Inflow Temp
8019: Calero Outflow Temp
105039: A083339E
8006: Lake Silveira Water Temp
8009: Pacheco Outflow
8012: Stevens Creek below Stevens Creek Reservoir - Water Temperature
8001: Penitencia Creek below Mabury Temperature
8010: Guadalupe Creek off Hicks Rd.-Water Temperature
8002: Coyote Ck below Perc Pond Water Temperature
8008: Pacheco Ck near Bell Station Water Temp
8007: Pacheco Inflow Water Temp
8004: Masson Fish Ladder Water Temp
102001: Alamitos Evap Station (Enclosure Temp)
8003: Uvas Outflow Water Temperature (Malfunctioning)
8018: Guadalupe Ck. abv Guadalupe Res.Temp
8017: Coyote Ck. Below Ogier Temp
50821: Coyote Ck at Madrone-FTS Temp
8016: Coyote Ck. Above Ogier Temp
8013: Stevens Creek abv Hwy 280 H2O Temp
8015: Las Animas Temp
100054: Alamitos Pond Diversion Temp
8014: Coyote Creek at Edenvale Temp
35132: Coyote Creek at Hwy 85
35138: Guadalupe River at Alma Ave
35136: Berryessa Ck at Cropley Ave
35135: Adobe Below El Camino Real (Batt V)
35133: Test Battery Voltage
35134: Masson Pipeline Flowmeter
35137: Pond A8 BV
35139: Llagas Creek bl Santa Teresa
35145: Pacheco Creek nr Bell Station
35156: W. Branch Llagas at Cohansey Ave - Volt
35155: Pond A4 BV
35154: West Llagas at Hwy 101
35150: Almendra Creek above Almendra Ave. - Stage Only
35149: Sunnyvale East at Baylands Park - Stage Only
35148: Guadalupe Cr ab Guadalupe Res.
35147: Calero Ck ab Calero Reservoir
35146: McKelvey Pump Station
35144: Pacheco Creek bl Pacheco Reservoir
35143: Pacheco Inflow Battery
35142: Uvas at Hwy 152 Battery Voltage
35141: Llagas Creek bl Lake Silveira
35140: Lake Silveira Battery Voltage
35158: Artesian Slough
35127: Coyote Ck at Berryessa
35103: El Camino Stormdrain Batt
35101: Matadero ab Lambert (BattV)
35086: Uvas Ck above W. Luchessa Ave - High Flow Only-over 100 cfs
35100: L. Penitencia Ck at Machado
35098: Coyote Creek at E. Williams
35092: Upper Silver Creek at Yerba Buena
35089: Coyote Ck. blw Perc. Pond
35088: Guadalupe R at Alamitos Fish Ladder
35087: Upper Penitencia below Mabury BV
35084: Uvas Outflow
35108: Guadalupe River at Montague Expressway- Stage Only
35111: Guadalupe R at Gold Street
35114: Masson Fish Ladder
35125: Adobe at Foothill College (Batt V)
35124: Coyote Ck Below Ogier
35123: Coyote Ck Above Ogier
35122: San Tomas at Mission
35121: W Permanente Ck Blw Deer - High Flow Only
35120: Permanente Creek at Rancho San Antonio - High Flow Only
35119: Los Gatos Ck blw Kirk Dam (Batt V)
35118: East Little Llagas at Church Ave-High Flow Only
36151: Pacheco Reservoir Precip Battery
35116: Kirk Dam
35083: Upper Penitencia at Dorel
36127: Cow Ridge (Batt V)
36044: Loma Prieta (Batt V)
36128: Calero Watershed (Batt V)
36099: Penitencia Water Treatment Plant
36129: Palo Alto (Batt V)
36131: City of San Jose (Batt V)
36132: Evergreen (Batt V)
36134: Church Ave. Perc. Ponds (Batt V)
36135: Uvas Canyon County Park
36138: Banjo Point (Batt V)
36079: Rinconada Water Treatment Plant (Batt V)
36048: Sunnyvale Water Treatment Plant
36067: Mount Hamilton (Batt V)
36125: Vasona Pump Station (Batt V)
36123: Guadalupe Watershed (Batt V)
36121: Mountain View (Batt V)
36108: West Yard (Batt V)
36104: Uvas Reservoir (Batt V)
36102: United Technologies Corp (Batt V)
36100: Stevens Creek Reservoir (Batt V)
36098: Shanti Ashrama (Batt V)
36077: Valley Christian
36069: Mt Umunhum (Batt V)
36139: West Little Llagas (Batt V)
36140: Rancho San Antonio (Batt V)
36017: Coe Park (Batt V)
36016: Guadalupe Slough (Batt V)
36015: Castro Valley (Batt V)
36008: Biel Ranch (Batt V)
36004: Almaden (Batt V)
36001: Alamitos (Batt V)
35199: Calero Inflow Voltage
35171: Penitencia Ck Blw Educational Park Dr
35170: South Fork Pacheco Ck Abv Hwy 152
35169: Coyote Creek abv Metcalf
36018: Coit Ranch (Batt V)
36021: Coyote Reservoir (Batt V)
36141: Palm Ave (Batt V)
36142: Trappers Trail (Batt V)
36143: Edmundson (Batt V)
36144: Maryknoll Fields (Batt V)
36145: Canada De Los Osos (Batt V)
36147: Westwind Barn (Batt V)
36041: Anderson Dam
36036: Johnson Ranch (Batt V)
36034: Haskins Ranch (Batt V)
36023: Curtner Ranch (Batt V)
35159: Alviso Slough
35013: Calero Creek below Calero Reservoir
34006: Guadalupe Reservoir
34005: Coyote Reservoir
34004: Chesbro Reservoir Battery
34003: Calero Reservoir Battery
34002: Anderson Reservoir
34001: Almaden Reservoir Battery
32001: Alamitos Evap Station (Batt V)
350011: Upper Penitencia Abv Piedmont (Battery)
36999: Precip Test GOES (Batt V)
34007: Lexington Reservoir
34008: Pacheco Reservoir
35012: Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir(USGS)
35010: Fisher Ck at Monterey
35009: Coyote Ck below Anderson Res Batt
35007: Coyote Creek at Coyote Ranch Rd.
35001: Upper Penitencia at Piedmont
34013: Cherry Flat Reservoir Battery
34011: Vasona Reservoir Battery
34010: Uvas Reservoir
34009: Stevens Ck Reservoir
39001: San Tomas Aquino Ck at Agnew Rd
39002: Saratoga Upstream Prospect Rd.
39003: Lower Silver at Barberry Trash Rack
39011: Stevens Ck Above McClellan Rd.
39013: Coyote Ck Upstream Hwy. 237
39014: Upper Penitencia Ck at Mabury West Rd.
1545: El Camino Storm Drain (Batt V)
1874: Battery
1879: Unknown
1881: Los Trancos B.V.
100057: Alamitos Pond Diversion Batt
39017: Hale Avenue Trash Rack
1488: Alm-Cal Canal at Bertram (Batt V)
39015: Upper Penitencia Ck at King Rd.
35117: West Little Llagas Creek at Edmundson Ave.-High Flow Only
39004: Ross Ck at Meridian Ave.
39005: West Little Llagas Ck Upstream of Llagas Rd.
39006: Uvas Ck Above Hwy 101
39007: Permanente Ck at Mckelvey Park
39008: Sunnyvale East Channel at Tasman Dr.
39009: Hale Ck at Covington Rd.
39010: Permanente Diversion at Altamead Dr.
1475: Alm-Cal Canal at Flume (Batt V)
39016: San Tomas at Williams Trash Rack
35014: Almaden Calero Canal at Calero
35080: Llagas Creek above Chesbro Reservoir
35062: Lexington Inflow (Batt V)
35061: Uvas Creek at Uvas Road
35060: Uvas at Miller
35059: Los Gatos at Lark (Batt V)
35058: Coyote Creek at Edenvale
35057: Packwood Ck at Jackson Ranch
35056: Las Animas Ck. above Anderson Res.(Flow Rating in progress)
35053: Upper Page Ditch at Head (Batt V)
35052: Uvas Creek at Heritage Way
35063: Lower Silver Creek at San Antonio
35064: Berryessa Ck. at Calaveras
35065: Little Arthur Creek Battery
35078: Bodfish Creek at Whitehurst Rd
35075: Thompson Creek at Quimby Road
35074: Sunnyvale East
35073: Canoas Creek at Almaden Expressway
35070: Alamitos Creek at Graystone
35069: Llagas Ck Below Chesbro (Batt V)
35068: Los Gatos at Ryland
35067: Lexington Outflow (Batt V)
35066: Little Uvas Creek at Little Uvas Rd Battery
35051: Ross Creek at Cherry Ave BV
35050: Los Gatos Ck at Lincoln (Batt V)
35026: Calabazas Creek at Wilcox School
35025: Saratoga Creek at Pruneridge - High Flow Only
35024: San Tomas Creek ab Williams
35023: Guadalupe at Almaden Expy
35022: Canoas At Dow
35021: Ross Creek at Blossom Hill
35019: Vasona Inflow (Batt-V)
35018: Golf Creek near McAbee
35017: Guadalupe Creek Below Guadalupe Reservoir
35016: Alamitos Creek Blw Almaden
35031: Calabazas Creek at Rainbow
35032: Permanente Creek at Berry Ave
35048: Alamitos Creek above Almaden Reservoir-Partial Inflow
35047: Kirk Ditch at Head
35045: Stevens Creek ab Stevens Creek Reservoir
35044: Stevens Ck Outflow (Batt V)
35043: Guadalupe at Hicks Rd
35039: Stevens Creek above Hwy 280
35035: Stevens Ck abv Hwy 85 (Batt V)
35033: Hale Ck bl Magdalena (Batt V)
35015: Almaden-Calero Canal at Almaden Reservoir (Batt V)
200051: Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden Fcst NWS QPF
50248: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
50245: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
50151: Almaden-Calero Canal at Almaden Reservoir
200050: Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden Fcst No QPF
15097: Coyote Creek at Hwy 237 - USGS
5134: Masson Pipeline Flowmeter-Local and/or Imported flows
7010: Bear Creek at Sand Hill Rd (JPA - High Flow)
7020: Los Trancos at Arastradero Rd (JPA - High Flow)
7030: Searsville Lake Outflow (JPA - High Flow)
15010: Coyote Creek above Coyote Reservoir(USGS)
15012: Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir (USGS)
15077: Coyote Ck above Coyote Reservoir - USGS
15081: Pacheco Creek near Dunneville
15082: Coyote Ck at Madrone (USGS-11170000 as of Feb. 01, 2022)
15113: Arroyo Hondo near San Jose
15112: San Francisquito Ck at Stanford Univ - USGS
15109: Guadalupe River at Highway 101 - USGS
15101: Matadero Ck at Palo Alto - USGS
15096: Saratoga Creek at Big Basin Way (USGS)
15085: Llagas Creek at Southside Dr. - USGS
1474: Almaden soil moisture
1483: Palm Ave soil moisture
1520: Evergreen Soil Moisture
1473: Trappers Trail Soil Moisture
1476: Evergreen soil moisture
204002: Anderson Reservoir Random
2074: Coyote Reservoir
2090: Almaden Reservoir
2094: Calero Reservoir
2092: Guadalupe Reservoir
204011: Vasona Reservoir Random
204001: Almaden Reservoir Random
204003: Calero Reservoir Random
204004: Chesbro Reservoir Randoms
204005: Coyote Reservoir Random
204007: Lexington Reservoir Random
204009: Stevens Creek Res Random
204010: Uvas Reservoir Random
4001: Almaden Reservoir
4002: Anderson Reservoir
4007: Lexington Reservoir
4003: Calero Reservoir
4004: Chesbro Reservoir
4008: Pacheco Reservoir
4005: Coyote Reservoir
4006: Guadalupe Reservoir
4009: Stevens Creek Reservoir
4010: Uvas Reservoir
4011: Vasona Reservoir
4012: Lake Elsman
4013: Cherry Flat Reservoir
50246: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
101131: Madrone Pipeline Flow to Madrone Channel
100561: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek
100411: Vasona Dam Outlet
100511: Kirk Turnout Release
100211: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir
100461: Page Turnout Release
100261: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir
101121: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline
101111: Main Ave Pipeline Flow to Main Ave Ponds
100671: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet
100821: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir
100361: Lexington Reservoir 8-inch Outlet
100871: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet
100921: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet
100971: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet
101021: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe
100311: Lexington Reservoir 54-inch Outlet
101071: Uvas-Llagas Transfer Pipeline 12-inch
100721: Imported Water and/or Anderson Reservoir via 30"
101081: Uvas-Llagas Transfer Pipeline 36-inch
100621: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
101091: Uvas Reservoir 2-inch Outlet
100611: Local and imported flow into Los Capitancillos
101101: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flows to Main Ave Pipeline
100161: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow
100111: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow
100061: Calero Creek Turnout
100051: Alamitos Pond Diversion
100001: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet
100771: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir
100351: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100911: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100961: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
101011: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100041: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
101061: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Valve position (0% to 100%)
100301: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%)
100451: Vasona Dam Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100861: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%)
100551: Kirk Turnout Release Valve position (0% to 100%)
100601: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Valve position (0% to 100%)
100661: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline Valve position (0% to 100%)
100711: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100401: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100501: Page Turnout Release Valve position (0% to 100%)
100761: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Valve position (0% to 100%)
100811: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%)
101105: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve Position
101107: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve Position
100201: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Valve position (0% to 100%)
100251: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%)
100151: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Valve position (0% to 100%)
100101: Calero Creek Turnout Valve position (0% to 100%)
50243: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
50247: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
100053: Alamitos Pond Diversion Vel
50244: San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd
50822: Coyote Ck at Madrone-FTS Turb.
516801: 5168 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516101: 5161 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516201: 5162 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516001: 5160 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516701: 5167 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516301: 5163 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516601: 5166 MP1UpDEPTH_1
1470: Chesbro Reservoir
516501: 5165 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516401: 5164 MP1UpDEPTH_1
516002: 5160 MP1PDEPTH_1
516102: 5161 MP1PDEPTH_1
516602: 5166 MP1PDEPTH_1
516802: 5168 MP1PDEPTH_1
516402: 5164 MP1PDEPTH_1
516502: 5165 MP1PDEPTH_1
516202: 5162 MP1PDEPTH_1
516702: 5167 MP1PDEPTH_1
516302: 5163 MP1PDEPTH_1
516303: 5163 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516803: 5168 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516003: 5160 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516203: 5162 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516103: 5161 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516603: 5166 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516403: 5164 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516703: 5167 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516503: 5165 MP1PEAKVEL_1
516604: 5166 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516704: 5167 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516404: 5164 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516204: 5162 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516804: 5168 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516104: 5161 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516304: 5163 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516004: 5160 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516504: 5165 MP1WATERTEMP_1
516505: 5165 MP1SDEPTH_3
516105: 5161 MP1SDEPTH_3
516605: 5166 MP1SDEPTH_3
516705: 5167 MP1SDEPTH_3
516805: 5168 MP1SDEPTH_3
516405: 5164 MP1SDEPTH_3
516005: 5160 MP1SDEPTH_3
516305: 5163 MP1SDEPTH_3
516205: 5162 MP1SDEPTH_3
516506: 5165 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516106: 5161 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516206: 5162 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516406: 5164 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516606: 5166 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516006: 5160 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516706: 5167 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516306: 5163 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516806: 5168 MP1AIRTEMP_3
516607: 5166 MP1UNIDEPTH
516307: 5163 MP1UNIDEPTH
516807: 5168 MP1UNIDEPTH
516007: 5160 MP1UNIDEPTH
516707: 5167 MP1UNIDEPTH
516407: 5164 MP1UNIDEPTH
516107: 5161 MP1UNIDEPTH
516507: 5165 MP1UNIDEPTH
516207: 5162 MP1UNIDEPTH
516108: 5161 MP1VELOCITY
516808: 5168 MP1VELOCITY
516608: 5166 MP1VELOCITY
516008: 5160 MP1VELOCITY
516508: 5165 MP1VELOCITY
516308: 5163 MP1VELOCITY
516708: 5167 MP1VELOCITY
516408: 5164 MP1VELOCITY
516208: 5162 MP1VELOCITY
516009: 5160 MP1FLOW1
516109: 5161 MP1FLOW1
516709: 5167 MP1FLOW1
516209: 5162 MP1FLOW1
516809: 5168 MP1FLOW1
516309: 5163 MP1FLOW1
516609: 5166 MP1FLOW1
516409: 5164 MP1FLOW1
516509: 5165 MP1FLOW1
516610: 5166 MP1TOTFLOW1
516410: 5164 MP1TOTFLOW1
516710: 5167 MP1TOTFLOW1
516010: 5160 MP1TOTFLOW1
516810: 5168 MP1TOTFLOW1
516510: 5165 MP1TOTFLOW1
516310: 5163 MP1TOTFLOW1
516110: 5161 MP1TOTFLOW1
516210: 5162 MP1TOTFLOW1
101031: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100321: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100981: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
101103: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Primary comms Sts
100931: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100631: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100271: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
101122: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline Primary Comm Sts
100221: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100171: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100011: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100121: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100071: Calero Creek Turnout Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100881: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100471: Page Turnout Release Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100421: Vasona Dam Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100521: Kirk Turnout Release Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100831: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100571: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
101123: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline Primary Comm State
100781: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100681: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100371: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100731: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100131: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100231: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100021: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100431: Vasona Dam Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100581: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100991: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100081: Calero Creek Turnout Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
101125: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline Secondary Comm State
100281: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
101041: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100641: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
101124: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline Secondary Comm Sts
100741: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100381: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100691: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100791: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100481: Page Turnout Release Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100891: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100331: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100531: Kirk Turnout Release Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100181: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100941: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100841: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok)
100391: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=
101104: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve state
100191: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=
100341: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2
101106: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve Position
100141: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=f
100701: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=open
100801: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault
101126: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve Position
101127: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Valve Position
100651: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100091: Calero Creek Turnout Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
100241: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fau
100751: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=open
100291: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault
100031: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=clo
100541: Kirk Turnout Release Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
101001: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened
100901: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches
100441: Vasona Dam Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed / 3
101051: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=f
100851: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault /
100491: Page Turnout Release Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
100951: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened /
100591: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened /
100730: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100740: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100000: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Alarm State
100700: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=open
100010: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100100: Calero Creek Turnout Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100510: Kirk Turnout Release Alarm State
100460: Page Turnout Release Alarm State
100520: Kirk Turnout Release Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100690: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100710: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100480: Page Turnout Release Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100120: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm S
100110: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Alarm State
100400: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100490: Page Turnout Release Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
100500: Page Turnout Release Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100470: Page Turnout Release Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100720: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Alarm State
100040: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100410: Vasona Dam Outlet Alarm State
100090: Calero Creek Turnout Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
100530: Kirk Turnout Release Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100540: Kirk Turnout Release Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed
100440: Vasona Dam Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=closed / 3
100640: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100630: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100430: Vasona Dam Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100620: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100050: Alamitos Pond Diversion Alarm State
100070: Calero Creek Turnout Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100590: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened /
100600: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100060: Calero Creek Turnout Alarm State
100570: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100560: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Alarm State
100650: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100680: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100420: Vasona Dam Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100670: Anderson Reservoir 12-inch Polyjet Alarm State
100020: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100030: Stevens Creek Dam Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=clo
100550: Kirk Turnout Release Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100660: Guadalupe Turnout from Almaden Valley Pipeline
100080: Calero Creek Turnout Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100780: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100450: Vasona Dam Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100610: Local and imported flow into Los Capitancillos Alarm State
100860: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100990: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
101000: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened
101010: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100330: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
101020: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Alarm State
101030: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm S
100830: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
101040: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm
101050: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=f
101060: Uvas Reservoir Transfer and 36-inch outlet pipe Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100320: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
101070: Uvas-Llagas Transfer Pipeline 12-inch Alarm State
100310: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Alarm State
101080: Uvas-Llagas Transfer Pipeline 36-inch Alarm State
100300: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
101090: Uvas Reservoir 2-inch Outlet Alarm State
100840: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100980: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100370: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100870: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Alarm State
100360: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Alarm State
100880: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad/1=ok) Alarm S
100890: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad /1=ok) Alarm
100900: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches
100910: Anderson Reservoir Hydroelectric Facility Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100350: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100920: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Alarm State
100930: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100850: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault /
100940: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100950: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened /
100960: Coyote Reservoir 6-inch Outlet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100340: Lexington Dam 54-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2
100970: Coyote Reservoir 48-inch Outlet Alarm State
101100: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Alarm State
100290: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault
100210: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Alarm State
100200: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100190: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=
100180: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alar
100170: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm
100160: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - High Flow Alarm State
100150: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100800: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault
100790: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm Sta
100390: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=opened / 2=
100770: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Alarm State
100140: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=f
100130: Bailey Turnout into Calero Reservoir - Low Flow Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm
100760: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100750: Anderson Reservoir 30-inch Polyjet Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fault / 1=open
100220: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm Sta
100810: Anderson Force Main From Anderson Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100230: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm S
101102: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Main Ave Pipeline Comm State
100280: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm Sta
101110: Main Ave Pipeline Flow to Main Ave Ponds Alarm State
100820: Anderson Force Main To Anderson Reservoir Alarm State
101120: Santa Clara Conduit Turnout Flow to Madrone Pipeline Alarm State
100270: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Primary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100380: Lexington Dam 8-inch Outlet Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
100580: 906 Turnout to Los Gatos Creek Secondary communications status (0=bad / 1=ok) Alarm State
101130: Madrone Pipeline Flow to Madrone Channel Alarm State
100260: Almaden Valley Pipeline to Calero Reservoir Alarm State
100250: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Valve position (0% to 100%) Alarm State
100240: Almaden Valley Pipeline from Calero Reservoir Valve state based on full extent limit switches (0=fau
513409: Masson Pipeline Flowmeter-Status
1872: Battery
1499: Available
1496: Coyote Creek below Coyote Percolation Pond Water Temperature
1462: Available
1000000: Aquarius Performance
need help with this form?