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Query method Parameters
  1. Choose format type
  2. Date Range - Number of days back (integer) or timeframe (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) to gather data
  3. Select Category Type or Sensor ID
  4. Click Submit to get data

Direct URL



  • /dataAPI/retrievedata.php?format=cvs&bytype=category&cid=1&bydate=back&days=31
  • /dataAPI/retrievedata.php?format=xml&bytype=sensor&sid=100&bydate=back&days=3
  • /dataAPI/retrievedata.php?format=json&bytype=sensor&sid=100&bydate=range&tstart=2016-01-28 20:01:00&tend=2016-05-30 20:01:00
parameter type default description
format string tsv Specify the output format.
  • format=tsv
  • format=csv
  • format=xml
  • format=html
  • format=json
bydate string back Choose a way to limit the data by date
  • bydate=back

    Number of days back to gather data. Need to set accompanying 'days=' param

  • bydate=range

    Limit data between two dates. Need to set the start/end dates with 'tstart=' & 'tend=' params

  • days
integer 1 Limit number of days to include before the current time. Needed with param bydate=back
  • tstart
  • tend
date-time null Limit to data on or after the specified start time and on or before the specified end time. Needed with parpm bydate=range.

tstart=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss&tend=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

bytype string null Select the how to identify records. The allowed values are:
  • bytype=category

    Use the category ID to get data over multiple sensors. Set with 'cid=' param.

  • bytype=sensor

    Use to select a single sensor. Set with 'sid=' param.

  • cid
integer null Select the specific category ID. Needs 'bytype=category' param
  • sid
integer null Select the specific sensor ID to collect data. Needs 'bytype=sensor'.

List of Categories

Sensor ID Sensor Name Latitude Longitude SensorType
1445Guadalupe River at Alamitos Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only37.246852874756-121.869926452641
1450Upper Penitencia Creek below Mabury- Low Flow Only37.371725-121.8614921
1451Mabury Diversion- Low Flow Only001
1456Hale Creek below Magdalena Court37.358940124512-122.099807739261
1459Permanente Creek at Rancho San Antonio - High Flow Only37.332955-122.0883371
1460Adobe Creek at Middlefield- High Flow Only-Out of Service37.422370910645-122.110519409181
1463Thompson Creek at Quimby Rd.- High Flow Only37.32362-121.8078791
1464Stevens Creek Reservoir001
1467WL Llagas Ck at Edmundson Ave- stream001
1468Vasona Reservoir37.2469984063-121.9658683231
1472Uvas Reservoir37.0643350317-121.692200411
1477Calabazas Creek at Wilcox School - High Flow Only37.365283966064-121.987106323241
1479Alm-Cal Canal at Flume(Alarm Only)001
1480Anderson Reservoir37.1648293935-121.6263282141
1484Lower Silver Creek at San Antonio Rd001
1485Canoas Creek at Almaden Exp.- Stage Only37.288520812988-121.881164550781
1486Haskins Soil Moisture Probe101
1487Alm-Cal Canal at Bertram (Alarm Only)001
1489Upper Penitencia Creek at Piedmont Rd37.390598297119-121.842979431151
1490Los Gatos Creek below Lexington Reservoir37.218933105469-121.985244750981
1491Upper Silver Creek at Yerba Buena- High Flow Only37.295749664307-121.807861328121
1492Los Gatos Creek at Lark Ave001
1494Los Gatos Creek at Lincoln Ave001
1498Coyote Creek at Madrone37.168483734131-121.649520874021
1502Lower Silver Creek at Ocala Ave- (Gage removed)001
1504Guadalupe at Tasman (Gage Removed)001
1506Guadalupe River at Montague Expressway- Stage Only37.395332336426-121.940193176271
1523West Permanente Creek below Deer Farm- High Flow Only37.331944-122.0994441
1525Uvas at Luchessa (Flows over 50 cfs)-out-508636.992496490479-121.573501586911
1531Guadalupe River at Gold St- Stage Only001
1533Guadalupe River at Hwy 101- Stage-ALERT Out of service001
1534Guadalupe at Trimble001
1537Matadero at Waverly001
1538U. Penitencia at Dorel- Radar-High Flow Only001
1540Calabazas Creek at Rainbow Drive- High Flow Only001
1541Almaden-Calero Canal at Calero Reservoir37.180595-121.7912361
1542Guadalupe Creek below Guadalupe Reservoir001
1544Alamitos Creek below Almaden Reservoir37.168605804443-121.828292846681
1546Calero Creek below Calero Reservoir37.186122894287-121.793075561521
1547El Camino Stormdrain- Stage Only37.368602752686-121.9969253541
1548Upper Penitencia Creek at Dorel Dr- Low Flow Only37.395233154297-121.828147888181
1549Permanente Creek at Berry Ave- High Flow Only37.361498-122.0868911
1550Masson Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only37.233254-121.8989431
1878San Francisquito Ck. nr. Stanford - Stage Only001
2001Alamitos Evap Station001
2002Alamitos Evap Hourly001
2003Alamitos Evap Daily001
2004Alamitos Pan Fill001
2005Alamitos Pan Removal001
2050San Tomas Creek above Williams Rd37.30655670166-121.964103698731
2054Los Gatos Creek below Kirk Dam- Low Flow Only001
2056Coyote Creek at E. William- High Flow Only37.336986541748-121.868286132811
2058Ross Creek at Cherry Ave37.263134002686-121.886772155761
2060Coyote Creek at Hwy 237- Stage Only001
2062Coyote Creek at Edenvale37.270919799805-121.797668457031
2076Coyote Inflow-USGS-Out001
2086Llagas Creek at Southside Dr- Stage Only001
5001Upper Penitencia Ck. at Piedmont Ave.37.3906-121.8429811
5007(Damaged) Coyote Creek at Coyote Ranch Road (Low Flow Only, 220 cfs Max)37.218009-121.7405611
5009Coyote Ck below Anderson Reservoir001
5010Fisher Creek at Monterey Rd.37.222461-121.7464941
5012Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir(USGS)37.12306-121.55171
5013Calero Creek below Calero Reservoir37.186122894287-121.793075561521
5014Almaden-Calero Canal at Calero Reservoir001
5015Almaden-Calero Canal at Almaden Reservoir37.166572-121.8277791
5016Alamitos Creek below Almaden Reservoir37.168611-121.8283331
5017Guadalupe Creek below Guadalupe Reservoir37.199615478516-121.881607055661
5018Golf Creek at McAbee Rd37.220824-121.8765081
5019Los Gatos Creek below Hwy 937.230997-121.9729921
5021Ross Creek at Blossom Hill37.235048-121.9524931
5022Canoas Creek at Dow Drive37.280269-121.8689811
5023Guadalupe River above Almaden Expressway37.280822-121.8798491
5024San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd37.306944-121.9627781
5025Saratoga Creek at Pruneridge - High Flow Only37.331051-121.9888471
5026Calabazas Creek at Wilcox School-High Flow Only37.365263-121.9871721
5031Calabazas Creek at Rainbow Drive-High Flow Only37.300708-122.02670281
5032Permanente Creek at Berry Ave- High Flow Only37.361498-122.0868911
5033Hale Creek below Magdalena Court37.358889-122.0997221
5035Stevens Creek above Hwy 85 near Central Ave37.395177-122.068941
5039Stevens Creek below Hwy 280(Flow Rating in Process)37.33321-122.0640061
5043Guadalupe Creek off Hicks Rd.37.217531-121.9104441
5044Stevens Creek below Stevens Creek Reservoir37.306155-122.0732381
5045Stevens Ck. above Stevens Creek Reservoir (Subject to Swimmers Dams)37.27952-122.07371
5047Kirk Ditch at Head37.260299-121.9557231
5048Alamitos Creek above Almaden Reservoir-Partial Inflow37.157705-121.843521
5050Los Gatos Creek at Lincoln Ave.37.263135-121.8867721
5051Ross Creek at Cherry Ave37.263134-121.8867721
5052Uvas Creek at Heritage Way (Spillway, tributary, and/or outlet flows)37.053803-121.6620641
5053Upper Page Ditch at Head001
5056Las Animas Ck. above Anderson Res.(Flow Rating in progress)37.332995-122.063191
5057Packwood Creek at Jackson Ranch (Flow rating in process)37.169186780281-121.602152623431
5058Coyote Creek at Edenvale37.270964-121.7977221
5059Los Gatos Creek at Lark Ave37.251832-121.96451
5060Uvas Ck at Miller Ave (100 cfs and below)36.998847-121.5851941
5061Uvas Creek at Uvas Rd.- Partial Inflow37.102278-121.7244731
5062Los Gatos Ck. above Lexington Res.-Partial Inflow-(Out for repair. Use Ryland dam)37.167849-121.9806041
5063Lower Silver Creek at San Antonio Rd.-High Flow Only001
5064Berryessa Creek at Calaveras Blvd-High Flow Only37.432994-121.8922621
5065Little Arthur Creek at Redwood Retreat Rd001
5067Los Gatos Creek below Lexington Reservoir (Low Flow only)37.218933-121.9852451
5068Los Gatos Creek above Ryland Dam37.164175-121.9773281
5069Llagas Creek below Chesbro Reservoir37.114472-121.6910491
5070Alamitos Ck at Graystone Lane37.222492-121.8507691
5072Mabury Diversion- Low Flow Only (Vandalized)37.371725-121.8614921
5073Canoas Creek at Almaden Expressway-Stage Only001
5074Sunnyvale East ab HWY 101 (High Flow Only)37.394555-122.0103731
5075Thompson Creek at Quimby Rd.-High Flow Only001
5077Coyote Ck above Coyote Reservoir - USGS37.07778-121.493331
5078Bodfish Creek at Whitehurst Rd37.004339-121.6671831
5080Llagas Creek above Chesbro Reservoir37.148441-121.7681851
5081Pacheco Creek near Dunneville001
5082Coyote Ck at Madrone (USGS)37.168517-121.6495151
5083Abandoned: Use Sensor ID 5083137.395234-121.8281741
5084Uvas Creek below Uvas Reservoir (Gage may be affected by spillway flows, backwater)37.064916-121.6884781
5085Llagas Creek at Southside Dr. - USGS36.9875-121.526121
5086Uvas Ck above W. Luchessa Ave -High flow only (100 cfs and above)36.992517-121.5735131
5087Upper Penitencia Creek below Mabury (Vandalized)37.371725-121.8614921
5088Guadalupe River at Alamitos Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only37.246852874756-121.869926452641
5089Coyote Ck below Coyote Perc. Pond-Low Flow Only37.234861-121.7608021
5090Coyote Ck Perc. Pond-Stage Only37.23487-121.760491
5092Upper Silver Creek at Yerba Buena- High Flow Only37.2958-121.8081
5096Saratoga Creek at Saratoga - USGS37.25443-122.0395751
5097Coyote Creek at Hwy 237 - USGS37.42222-121.926381
5098Coyote Creek at E. Williams37.336986541748-121.868286132811
5100Lower Penitencia Creek at Machado Ave - High Flow Only37.422065-121.9068521
5101Matadero Creek above Lambert Ave - High Flow Only37.421634-122.1354541
5103El Camino Stormdrain Cell37.368602752686-121.9969253541
5108Guadalupe River at Montague Expressway- Stage Only37.395332336426-121.940193176271
5109Guadalupe River at Highway 101 - USGS37.373564-121.9331881
5111Guadalupe River at Gold Street-Stage Only37.422291-121.975671
5112San Francisquito Creek at Stanford Univ.-USGS001
5113Arroyo Hondo near San Jose001
5114Masson Fish Ladder- Low Flow Only37.233254-121.8989431
5116Kirk Dam (Stage Only)001
5117West Little Llagas Creek at Edmundson Ave.-High Flow Only37.111665-121.6438321
5118East Little Llagas at Church Ave-High Flow Only37.073284-121.5849971
5119Los Gatos Creek below Kirk Dam-Low Flow Only37.261793-121.9543241
5120Permanente Creek at Rancho San Antonio - High Flow Only37.332955-122.0883371
5121W Permanente Ck below Deer - High Flow Only37.331944-122.0994441
5122San Tomas at Mission Ave. - High Flow Only37.388889-121.9686111
5123Coyote Ck. Above Ogier001
5124Coyote Ck. Below Ogier001
5125Adobe Creek at Foothill College37.358125-122.1282271
5126San Tomas at Scott Blvd37.37906-121.968591
5127Coyote Ck. at Berryessa-Stage Only37.368054-121.8809511
5132Coyote Creek at Hwy 85001
5133Test Station001
5135Adobe Creek below El Camino Real-High Flow Only37.408333-122.1177781
5136Abandoned: Use Sensor ID 5136237.416468-121.8557171
5137Pond A837.422833-121.9806111
5138Guadalupe River at Alma Ave001
5139Llagas Creek below Santa Teresa Blvd37.09205-121.633291
5140Lake Silveira001
5141Llagas Creek below Lake Silveira001
5142Uvas at Hwy 152(Flow rating in process)001
5143North Fork Pacheco Creek above Pacheco Reservoir001
5144North Fork Pacheco Creek below Pacheco Reservoir001
5145Pacheco Creek near Bell Station001
5146McKelvey Pump Station001
5147Calero Ck above Calero Reservoir(Flow Rating in process)37.177032-121.7610681
5148Guadalupe Ck. above Guadalupe Res.37.18366-121.871861
5149Sunnyvale East at Baylands Park - Stage Only37.418056-122.0028611
5150Almendra Creek above Almendra Ave. - Stage Only37.22855-121.9831
5154West Llagas at Hwy 101111
5155Pond A437.418525-121.9971411
5156W. Branch Llagas at Cohansey Ave37.03443-121.587141
5169Coyote Creek Above Metcalf Rd001
5170Upper Page Ditch at Head (Batt V)0.5-0.51
5199Calero Creek above Calero Reservoir37.177032-121.7610681
7040Palo Alto Flood Basin-Stage Only37.455647-122.1011451
9002TEST- old Almendra Drain37.22855-121.9831
50011Upper Penitencia Ck. Abv Piedmont Ave. (replaced 5001)37.3906-121.8429811
50242San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd37.306944-121.9627781
50831Upper Penitencia at Dorel Radar37.395234-121.8281741
51361Berryessa Creek at Cropley Ave - High Flow Only - Radar37.416468-121.8557171
51362Berryessa Creek at Old Piedmont Rd37.416468-121.8557171
95082Coyote Ck at Madrone Non-USGS37.168517-121.6495151
100052Alamitos Pond Diversion Lvl37.246111615-121.8719145431
100055Alamitos Pond Diversion SfcLvl37.246111615-121.8719145431
100056Alamitos Pond Diversion Surcharge37.246111615-121.8719145431
150100Coyote Creek above Coyote Reservoir(USGS)37.077777777778-121.493333333331
150120Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir(USGS)37.12306-121.55171
512200San Tomas Dummy37.388889-121.9686111
Sensor ID Sensor Name Latitude Longitude SensorType
1532Stevens Creek ab HWY 85000
2074Coyote Reservoir0020
2090Almaden Reservoir0020
2092Guadalupe Reservoir0020
2094Calero Reservoir0020
4001Almaden Reservoir37.164598-121.82813320
4002Anderson Reservoir37.164821-121.62631520
4003Calero Reservoir37.183065-121.7927620
4004Chesbro Reservoir37.1166945208-121.69327994120
4005Coyote Reservoir37.115583-121.55031320
4006Guadalupe Reservoir37.1981-121.87956520
4007Lexington Reservoir37.2014664631-121.9889036120
4008Pacheco Reservoir0020
4009Stevens Creek Reservoir37.298746-122.07683320
4010Uvas Reservoir37.064333-121.69220920
4011Vasona Reservoir37.2469984063-121.96586832320
4012Lake Elsman0020
4013Cherry Flat Reservoir0020
204001Almaden Reservoir Random37.164598-121.82813320
204002Anderson Reservoir Random37.164821-121.62631520
204003Calero Reservoir Random37.183065-121.7927620
204004Chesbro Reservoir Randoms37.1166945208-121.69327994120
204005Coyote Reservoir Random37.115583-121.55031320
204007Lexington Reservoir Random37.2014664631-121.9889036120
204009Stevens Creek Res Random37.298746-122.07683320
204010Uvas Reservoir Random37.064333-121.69220920
204011Vasona Reservoir Random37.2469984063-121.96586832320
Sensor ID Sensor Name Latitude Longitude SensorType
1453City of San Jose (6131)37.349563598633-121.904380798342
1454Maryknoll Fields (6144)37.332221984863-122.080833435062
1457Trappers Trail (6142)37.346111297607-122.180831909182
1461Edmundson Ave (6143)37.111392974854-121.644142150882
1465Canada De Los Osos (6145)37.037498474121-121.420829772952
1471Westwind Community Barn (6147)37.365799-122.159182
1500Rancho San Antonio Park (6140)37.330001831055-122.118057250982
1503Morgan Hill RF 136002
1508Castro Valley (6015)36.958431243896-121.604705810552
1509Valley Christian (6077)37.239463806152-122.070114135742
1510Stevens Creek (6100)37.287517547607-122.078735351562
1511West Yard (6108)37.308219909668-121.994377136232
1512Mount Hamilton (6067)37.348651885986-121.630142211912
1513Calero Watershed (6128)37.169704437256-121.757423400882
1514Curtner Ranch (6023)37.467124938965-121.877624511722
1515Mountain View (6121)37.394256591797-122.05970764162
1516Evergreen (6132)37.298686981201-121.757041931152
1517Biel Ranch (6008)37.467155456543-121.530876159672
1518Shanti Ashrama (6098)37.308494567871-121.471496582032
1519Coit Ranch (6018)37.150588989258-121.419624328612
1521Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (6048)37.355289459229-122.059364318852
1524Rinconada Water Treatment Plant (6079)37.255252838135-121.982597351072
1526Guadalupe (6123)37.189929962158-121.891975402832
1527Vasona Pump Station (6125)37.258674621582-121.959892272952
1528West Little Llagas (6139)37.135669708252-121.671585083012
1529Church Ave Percolation Ponds (6134)37.068630218506-121.59709930422
1530Uvas Canyon County Park (6135)37.084728240967-121.792182922362
1551Palm Ave (6141)37.171112060547-121.727500915532
1868San Bruno Mt (San Mateo)002
1876Huddart Park (SMC) 615037.439716339111-122.288909912112
1880Los Trancos Park (SMC) 614637.326511383057-122.180641174322
1884Saratoga Gap002
1885San Mateo002
1889Windy Hill Park (JPA) 614837.35799407959-122.239906311042
1890Wunderlich Park (JPA) 614937.357994-122.239906311042
2053Guadalupe Slough (6016)37.45333480835-122.032058715822
2057Uvas Reservoir (6104)37.065498352051-121.688819885252
2065Alamitos (6001)37.247108459473-121.870643615722
2066Johnson Ranch (6036)37.220951080322-121.931190490722
2067United Technologies Corp. (6102)37.233791351318-121.690513610842
2068Banjo Point (6138)37.195983886719-121.984779357912
2069Haskins Ranch (6034)37.395683288574-121.765296936042
2070Penitencia Water Treatment Plant (6099)37.39820098877-121.835159301762
2071Cow Ridge (6127)37.268920898438-121.613166809082
2072Loma Prieta (6044)37.246852874756-121.869926452642
2073Anderson Reservoir (6041)37.164562225342-121.626968383792
2075Coyote Reservoir (6021)37.115146636963-121.550315856932
2079Coe Park (6017)37.186454772949-121.546295166022
2080Almaden (6004)37.157241821289-121.844429016112
2081Mount Umunhum (6069)37.158260345459-121.906417846682
2099Palo Alto (6129)37.455562591553-122.100601196292
6008Biel Ranch37.467154-121.5308792
6015Castro Valley37.365799-122.159182
6016Guadalupe Slough37.45336-122.032062
6017Coe Park37.186454-121.5462972
6018Coit Ranch37.15059-121.4196232
6021Coyote Reservoir37.115148-121.5503152
6023Curtner Ranch37.467124-121.8776212
6034Haskins Ranch37.395682-121.7652972
6036Johnson Ranch37.22095-121.9311942
6041Anderson Reservoir37.164562225342-121.626968383792
6044Loma Prieta37.11088-121.8442772
6048Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant37.355289459229-122.059364318852
6067Mount Hamilton37.348653-121.6301452
6069Mount Umunhum37.158261-121.9064192
6077Valley Christian37.239463806152-122.070114135742
6079Rinconada Water Treatment Plant37.255253-121.9825972
6098Shanti Ashrama37.308494-121.4714942
6099Penitencia Water Treatment Plant37.246852874756-121.869926452642
6100Stevens Creek Reservoir37.287516-122.0787382
6102United Technologies Corp.37.233791351318-121.690513610842
6104Uvas Reservoir37.171112060547-121.727500915532
6108West Yard37.308221-121.9943742
6121Mountain View37.394258-122.0597082
6123Guadalupe Watershed37.18366-121.871862
6125Vasona Pump Station37.258675-121.9598892
6127Cow Ridge37.268921-121.6131682
6128Calero Watershed37.169704-121.7574212
6129Palo Alto37.455564-122.100601196292
6131City of San Jose37.349563598633-121.904380798342
6134Church Ave Percolation Ponds37.395682-121.7652972
6135Uvas Canyon County Park37.084728240967-121.792182922362
6138Banjo Point37.195986-121.9847772
6139West Little Llagas37.13567-121.6715882
6140Rancho San Antonio37.33-122.1180562
6141Palm Ave37.171112060547-121.727500915532
6142Trappers Trail37.346111-122.1808332
6143Edmundson Ave37.111393-121.6441392
6144Maryknoll Fields37.332221984863-122.080833435062
6145Canada De Los Osos37.0375-121.4208332
6147Westwind Barn (6147)37.365799-122.159182
6151Pacheco Reservoir35-1102
6999Precip Test GOES002
9999Dummy sensor for testing45-1222
20001Pulgas Raingauge (CDEC)37.475-122.2982
20002La Honda Raingauge (CDEC)37.3053-122.25392
20003Las Cumbres Raingauge (CDEC)37.208-122.0632
20004Schuliies Road Raingauge (CDEC)37.133-121.9672
20005Burrell Station (CDEC)37.133-121.9672
20006Ormsby Road Raingauge (CDEC)37.0669-121.8242
20007Mt Hamilton Raingauge (CDEC)002
20008Diablo Canyon Raingauge (CDEC)37.329-121.3022
20009Poverty Raingauge (CDEC)37.443056-121.7705562
21001Pulgas (CNRFC)37.475-122.298063
21002La Honda (CNRFC)37.30528-122.255283
21004Schulties Road (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21005Burrell Station (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21006Ormsby Road (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21008Diablo Grande (CNRFC)37.32917-121.295283
21009Poverty Ridge (CNRFC)37.44306-121.770563
21010Eureka Canyon (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21011Corralitos (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21012Corralitos CDF (CNRFC)36.99083-121.8053
21013Freedom (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21014Watsonville (CNRFC)36.93944-121.788893
21015Hollister Muni Airport (CNRFC)36.89333-121.410283
21016Los Banos (CNRFC)37.05444-121.053063
21017Mines Road (CNRFC)37.51333-121.540833
21018Rose Peak (CNRFC)37.50194-121.735563
21019Auto Mall Pkwy at I-880 (CNRFC)37.5075-121.963893
21020Mission Peak (CNRFC)37.51305-121.890833
21021Crystal Springs (CNRFC)37.49611-122.328893
21022Half Moon Bay (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21023Lower Crystal Springs (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21024Redwood City (CNRFC)37.475-122.2983
21025Test Buoy Pcp37.475-122.2983
200000Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden MBP37.280822-121.8798493
200001Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden QPF37.280822-121.8798493
Water Temperature
Sensor ID Sensor Name Latitude Longitude SensorType
1452Penitencia Creek Water Temperature-0010
8001Penitencia Creek below Mabury Temperature37.371725-121.86149210
8002Coyote Ck below Perc Pond Water Temperature37.23487-121.7604910
8003Uvas Outflow Water Temperature (Malfunctioning)37.064916-121.68847810
8004Masson Fish Ladder Water Temp37.233254-121.89894310
8006Lake Silveira Water Temp0010
8007Pacheco Inflow Water Temp0010
8008Pacheco Ck near Bell Station Water Temp0010
8009Pacheco Outflow0010
8010Guadalupe Creek off Hicks Rd.-Water Temperature0010
8011Guadalupe Creek below Guad0010
8012Stevens Creek below Stevens Creek Reservoir - Water Temperature0010
8013Stevens Creek abv Hwy 280 H2O Temp37.3329653-122.063601310
8014Coyote Creek at Edenvale Temp37.270964-121.79772210
8015Las Animas Temp37.3329653-122.063601310
8016Coyote Ck. Above Ogier Temp0010
8017Coyote Ck. Below Ogier Temp0010
8018Guadalupe Ck. abv Guadalupe Res.Temp37.18366-121.8718610
8019Calero Outflow Temp0010
8020Stevens Ck Inflow Temp0010
8021Packwood Temp0010
8022Anderson Blw Temp0010
8023Uvas at Hwy 152 Temp0010
8024Coyote Creek Above Metcalf Rd Temp0010
8025Alamitos Ck below Almaden Reservoir Temp0010
50821Coyote Ck at Madrone-FTS Temp37.168517-121.64951510
100054Alamitos Pond Diversion Temp37.246111615-121.87191454310
102001Alamitos Evap Station (Enclosure Temp)0010
Sensor ID Sensor Name Latitude Longitude SensorType
5134Masson Pipeline Flowmeter-Local and/or Imported flows37.234786-121.89570313
7010Bear Creek at Sand Hill Rd (JPA - High Flow)37.40993-122.2417813
7020Los Trancos at Arastradero Rd (JPA - High Flow)37.38312-122.1929513
7030Searsville Lake Outflow (JPA - High Flow)37.40721-122.2379313
15010Coyote Creek above Coyote Reservoir(USGS)37.077777777778-121.4933333333313
15012Coyote Creek below Coyote Reservoir (USGS)37.12306-121.551713
15077Coyote Ck above Coyote Reservoir - USGS37.07778-121.4933313
15081Pacheco Creek near Dunneville0013
15082Coyote Ck at Madrone (USGS-11170000 as of Feb. 01, 2022)37.168517-121.64951513
15085Llagas Creek at Southside Dr. - USGS0013
15096Saratoga Creek at Big Basin Way (USGS)0013
15097Coyote Creek at Hwy 237 - USGS0013
15101Matadero Ck at Palo Alto - USGS0013
15109Guadalupe River at Highway 101 - USGS0013
15112San Francisquito Ck at Stanford Univ - USGS0013
15113Arroyo Hondo near San Jose0013
50151Almaden-Calero Canal at Almaden Reservoir37.166572-121.82777913
50245San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd37.306944-121.96277813
50248San Tomas Ck above Williams Rd37.306944-121.96277813
200050Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden Fcst No QPF37.280822-121.87984913
200051Guadalupe Rvr Abv Almaden Fcst NWS QPF37.280822-121.87984913