Latitude: 37˚ 17' 19" N
Elevation: 147 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +130.2 to stage
Drainage Area: 18.61 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 52' 52" W
Locaide: 19 60-40
Recorder located on north bank of Canoas Creek, upstream of Guadulupe River, and one block south of Ironwood Drive. Control is achieved by a concrete lined trapezoidal channel with a broad-crested V-notch weir. Station subject to backwater conditions when gauge heights exceed an approximate value of 6 ft. at
Station 23B (Guadalupe River at Almaden Expressway). PZF at Station is equal to 1.00 ft.
Period of Record
Period of record begins October 1, 1977 and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
08/31/1977 |
Fischer & Porter ADR installed. |
01/20/1995 |
Sierra Misco 5050 radio transmitter installed. |
10/20/1995 |
Replaced ADR with Acro Universal data logger. |
08/02/2005 |
Installed 5096 radio gage. |
02/05/2010 |
Replaced Acro with Design Analysis H510 XL data logger. |