Latitude: 37˚ 16' 51" N
Elevation: 139.335037 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +134.1 to stage
Drainage Area: 66.8 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 52' 49" W
Locaide: 19 40-59
Recorder located approximately .5 miles downstream of the Capitol Expressway bridge on the west bank of the Guadalupe River. Control is established by a broad-crested V-notch weir constructed 01/10/1975.
Period of Record
Period of record begins October 1, 1939 and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
01/10/1975 |
Fischer & Porter ADR installed in 36 inch C.M.P stilling well. |
09/07/1984 |
Sierra Misco 5050 radio transmitter installed. |
07/14/1995 |
Replaced ADR with Acro Universal data logger. |
2011 |
Design Analysis H350 installed. |
2017-2018 |
GOES Radio installed. |