Latitude: 37˚ 14' 49" N
Elevation: 183 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +182.7 to stage
Drainage Area: 54 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 52' 12" W
Locaide: Page 85 (54, 41)
Station located off the Guadalupe River Trail, between Blossom Hill Rd. and Coleman Rd. in San Jose.
Period of Record
Data collection began on September 2, 2003 and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
09/02/2003 |
Acro level sensor and data logger installed. |
09/02/2004 |
Hydrolynx model 5096 ALERT transmitter installed. |
03/09/2010 |
Design Analysis model 510-XL data logger w/ALERT radio installed. |