Latitude: 37˚ 15' 45" N
Elevation: 240 ft.
Longitude: 121˚ 57' 17" W
Locaide:18 57-31
Station is located in the Oka Recharge Ponds at the head of Upper Page Ditch. The water is supplied by an intake valve upstream of Kirk Dam.
Period of Record
Records began on October 1, 1934, and continue to present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
10/01/1934 |
Gage installed. |
04/29/1973 |
Fisher-Porter ADR installed in 36 inch stilling well. |
1992 |
Fisher-Porter ADR replaced by Acro data logger. |
04/04/2009 |
Acro replaced by H510. |
04/19/2019 |
Put on GOES system. |