Latitude: 37˚ 09' 55" N
Elevation: 528 ft.
Longitude: 121˚ 49' 36" W
Locaide: 43 42-46
Gage was relocated and placed in operation on 1/1/2017 and is accessed from the private driveway at 22191 Alamitos Rd. Station is located on left (west) bank at canal outlet vault. Control is a clear concrete channel.
Period of Record
The original gage, located at the head of the cannal, was in operation from January 7, 1970 until 2016. Measurements at new location began 01/01/2017 and continue to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
01/07/1970 |
Fischer and Porter ADR installed. |
10/24/1995 |
F&P ADR removed and replaced with Acro Universal Data Logger. |
05/04/2010 |
Replaced ADR with DA H510XL. |
01/01/2017 |
New location equiped with an FTS Axiom datalogger paired with a Sutron Bubbler. |