Latitude: 37˚ 13' 21" N
Elevation: NGVD 244.4 ft.
Drainage Area: 13.4 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 44' 43" W
Locaide: 10 52_55
Gage is on upstream side of twin-box culvert that crosses Monterey Rd. on City of SJ Property
Period of Record
Measurements began October 1, 1939 to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
01/14/1971 |
Fisher and Porter ADR installed in 48 inch CMP stilling well. |
4/15/1995 |
Acro data logger installed to replace ADR. |
09/29/2009 |
Acro replaced with Design Analysis H510 with 5 watt solar panel. |
07/18/2017 |
GOES radio installed. |