Latitude: 37˚ 16' 15" N
Elevation: 193 ft.
Drainage Area: 229.0 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 47' 51" W
Locaide: 20 20-58
Station located along Coyote Creek Road, near Fonick Drive, one mile north of Blossom Hill Road. Control is a modified concrete V-notch weir.
Period of Record
SCVWD period of record begins October 1, 1963 and continues to the present. Previously
USGS station number
11171500 - Coyote Creek near Edenvale, which operated from water year 1917 until 1962.
Station History
Date |
Note |
06/12/1969 |
Fischer & Porter ADR installed in 36 inch CMP stilling well. |
11/30/1983 |
Radio transmitter installed for ALERT transmissions. |
05/05/1995 |
Acro data logger installed replacing ADR equipment. |
Added Hydrolynx 5096 Alert Radio. |
09/17/2009 |
Acro replaced by DA bubbler and serial radio. |