Latitude: 37˚ 15' 47" N
Elevation: 165 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +161.9 to stage
Drainage Area: 7.61 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 53' 12" W
Locaide: 19 57-39
Recorder located approximately 50 ft. west of Cherry Avenue on the south bank of Ross Creek. Low flow control is established by a broad-crested V-notch weir. High flow is controlled by a double box culvert at Cherry Avenue and occasionally by backwater from the Guadalupe River. PZF at Station is equal to 2.86 ft.
Period of Record
Period of record begins October 1, 1956 and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
12/15/1969 |
Fischer & Porter ADR installed in steel house. |
07/25/1984 |
Sierra Misco 5050 radio transmitter installed. |
10/27/1994 |
Crest stage gauges (CSG) installed upstream and downstream of culvert at Cherry Avenue. |
01/20/1995 |
Replaced ADR with Acro Universal data logger. Replaced Sierra Misco 5050 radio transmitter with a Novalynx 5096 radio transmitter. |
05/10/2010 |
Installed DA H510XL with serial radio. |