Latitude: 37˚ 23' 43" N
Elevation: 273 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +265.9 to stage
Drainage Area: 21.5 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 49' 41" W
Locaide: 9 46-76
Station located on leftbank of Upper Penitencia Creek at corner of Penitencia Rd. and Dorel Dr.
Period of Record
SCVWD period of record begins October 1, 1935 and continues to the present except for the period October 1, 1961 to October 1, 1987. This period was operated by the
11172100 - Upper Penitencia Creek at San Jose CA
Station History
Date |
Note |
10/02/1987 |
Fischer & Porter ADR installed in 36 inch CMP stilling well. |
11/30/1983 |
05/05/1995 |
01/2002 |
Electric Tape Gage and outside staff installed. |
05/24/2005 |
DA H350XL and bubbler system installed. |
08/25/2010 |
Moved orifice 100 ft downstream. |