Latitude: 37˚ 03' 58" N
Elevation: 391 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +382.9 to stage
Drainage Area: 30.46 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 41' 21" W
Locaide: 49 62-28
Station located on the left (north) bank, below the north end of Uvas Reservoir, off Uvas Road and southwest of Morgan Hill. Control is a broad crested weir. PZF at station is equal to 1.00 ft.
This station measures Uvas Reservoir outlet releases only - it does not measure spillway flows, which can be significant. GAGE CAN BE IN BACKWATER CONDITION WHEN SPILLWAY FLOWS ARE SIGNIFICANT.
Period of Record
Data collection began October 29, 1990 and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
10/29/1990 |
Balance beam manometer hydrogauge installed. Fischer & Porter ADR installed. |
06/01/1995 |
Fischer & Porter removed. Acro data logger installed. |
02/28/2002 |
Design Analysis H350XL datalogger installed. Water temperature probe added on Aug. 05, 2004 |