Latitude: 36˚ 59' 33" N
Elevation: 218 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +185.9 to stage
Drainage Area: 71.2 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 34' 25" W
Locaide: Page 144 (75, 17)
Station located along bike path off Luchessa Ave. in Gilroy. Only high flows are calibrated at this gage while low flows are calibrated at the upstream Uvas Creek at Miller Ave. gage (Non-radio data).
Period of Record
SCVWD Data collection began in Dec. 15, 1999 with some missing periods and continues to the present.
Station History
Date |
Note |
11/18/1999 |
Non-functional balance beam manometer removed. |
12/14/1999 |
Druck pressure transducer, Acro data logger and High Sierra 3510 ALERT radio installed. |
10/06/2009 |
Design Analysis Bubbler system replaced Druck and Arco. |