Latitude: 37˚ 10' 06" N
Elevation: 380 ft.
Stage Conversion to NAVD88 Elevation: +271.7 to stage
Drainage Area: 196.0 square miles
Longitude: 121˚ 38' 58" W
Locaide: 36 67-43
Station located near Santa Clara County James Boys Ranch approximately 1.5 miles downstream of Anderson Reservoir.
Period of Record
SCVWD period of record begins October 1, 1988 and continues to the present. Previously
USGS station number
11170000 - Coyote Creek near Madrone, which operated from water year 1903 until 1987.
Station History
Date |
Note |
10/02/1987 |
Fisher & Porter installed in 36 inch CMP stilling well. |
01/08/1988 |
Installed Handar 590v radio transmitter. |
05/08/1995 |
Acro data logger installed replacing ADR equipment. |